My Podcast / True Tales

In class, we learned about the social impacts of The Olympics, we learned that for a while until they gave us a task. We have to make a podcast about the social impacts in the Olympics.

Me and my friends chose Doping, specifically, in The Olympics. We explained the impact on your health, why it’s bad, athletes who have doped, the consequences of the athletes and the country.

Our podcast, “True Tales” is about 3-4 minutes long, it explains all about doping in a small about of time, it’s entertaining and the sound effects fit with the mood.

What did you do for your podcast?

Our Podcast

Racism in The Olympics // PBL Task

Hi guys, today we learned about racism and how it affects everyone. It’s important to stand up to racism because POC (People Of Color) don’t have the same opportunities white people have. It is unfair and UNJUST, everyone deserves the same opportunities no matter what.

Thankfully the Olympic Games handle racism very well, and anyone can participate. “The fundamental idea behind the Olympic Games is to unite the entire world in peaceful competition. Peace is at the very heart of this mission” – The Official Olympic website towards racism. Still, there are some controversies about racism in the Olympics, even so it’s better than before people thought racism was good.

We can promote fairness by:

  1. Not calling peoples names/Bullying
  2. Making sure everyone has a fair chance to play (ex: wheelchair basketball)
  3. Making sure the judges aren’t bribed
  4. Saying ‘Good Game’ or the shorter alternative ‘GG’ after the match is done

Here is my Create task, What do you think about racism?

Create Task

Māori Language Week

Kia Ora guys! I’m not sure if you know, but Māori language week is in August and I made a special thing that is themed for the Olympics. I did diving because I find it impressive that a person could do that so majestically. I tried my best and hopefully you guys enjoy it.

Here is my Create task —> Ruku

Valerie Adams// Reading

Hey guy, welcome back to my blog!

This week I learned about Valerie Adams, a Kiwi athlete that won gold in the Olympics.

Valerie was born in October 6 1984, she has participated in various Olympic Games, winning two gold medals in two.  She is mixed British and Tongan. She was shy, but her physical education teacher suggested sports, she started in 1998. Her family is full of athletes that have gone into the Olympics, so the whole family is super successful.

That’s what I learned! Who is your favorite Olympic athlete?

My work here!

PBL – Olympics

Hello guys! This week I did what The Olympics would look like if they were hosted by New Zealand. Which is not likely since New Zealand is an island, and travelling always takes too much, but anyway.

I imagine the torch would be gold since in New Zealand we are winners. I think the mascot would be a kiwi since it’s New Zealand’s favorite animal. The medals would have lots of natural elements since Aotearoa is full of nature, and it would have a small piece of the Sky Tower since it’s one of the tallest towers in the world.

Thank you for reading this! Here is my create


Hey guys! This week I made a poem about plants, I did it because I am grateful for all the nature that is around me. I am glad God made such a wonderful world with so much beauty and love, and I am sad all of that is slowly vanishing. I am reminded that our home is slowly becoming a bag of filth and trash, but all is not lost, you can still help the Earth become better than it was before!

How do you help with your daily activities?

My trip to The Wetlands

Hi guys! On Monday I went on a trip to Travis Wetlands. When we arrived I found lots of birds that were blue! Those were called the Pukeko. My first activity was fishing for bugs, I found a lot of them hiding in the water, the majority I caught was the Backswimer, they have six legs, like all bugs, and a huge tongue.

The second activity we did was look for birds, turns out, I don’t know much about New Zealand birds, so it was nice to learn. In the third activity, we showed all we learned with the food chains! It was a interesting experience all around and I wish to go again!


What would you do at The Wetlands?

River Guardian// Reading Create

Today we made a character  that protects oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc… I like designing characters so I found this an easy and enjoyable task to complete!

My character’s name is Awa Nui or her code name, the River Guardian. She guards the ocean and protects it from contamination and pollution. She comes from a long line of other river guardians and was recently made one by her mom.

Here is a drawing!

(Don’t contaminate! Pick up your trash when you’re near a water source.)

Catholicism Around The World

Hey guys, this week I learned about Catholicism Around the World. I found out that on the Day of Guadalupe, people bring things to church to get holy water and celebrate the day. The only thing I ever did on the 12 of December was complain about the huge traffic because of the Day of Guadalupe! Maybe in some years I’ll go to church and celebrate Day of Guadalupe instead of complaining. Would you go to church the Day of Guadalupe?

That is what I learned in R.E! Have a nice long weekend!