Hey guys. This week we did lots of things, but one of my favorites was doing an insect mihi.

The insect I wrote about was the Cinnabar moth.  I choose it because it looks like a ladybug but with wings. I found out they’re pretty similar to the ladybugs because its beautiful colors act like a warning for birds and other insects that they’re poisonous.

Their real name is Tyria jacobaeae, they are found in many places. (West Asia, Central Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand) but their most common place is Europe. Their body is 20-25mm, but their wings are 30mm, making them pretty big for a moth.

A fun fact about them is that when they run out of food, they become cannibals. Which is pretty creepy for a pretty moth. I’ll show you a picture.

That moth does NOT look like a cannibal ;(. Anyways, that’s what I learned this week in writing! Here is my insect mihi

One thought on “Cinnabar moth !! (Writing)

  1. Hey Regina, great blog buddy! one thing I really loved is that you added very short but also informing information about your chosen insect (Cinnabar moth), and that you added a photo of what it looked like. One wish I have for this blog is that next time you could show what your create was or what you did to follow up after your research, I would also would’ve liked to see a question in there, but overall this was an ✨ASTONISHING✨ blog. 😁👍 great job Regina!

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