
Hey guys! This week I made a poem about plants, I did it because I am grateful for all the nature that is around me. I am glad God made such a wonderful world with so much beauty and love, and I am sad all of that is slowly vanishing. I am reminded that our home is slowly becoming a bag of filth and trash, but all is not lost, you can still help the Earth become better than it was before!

How do you help with your daily activities?

My trip to The Wetlands

Hi guys! On Monday I went on a trip to Travis Wetlands. When we arrived I found lots of birds that were blue! Those were called the Pukeko. My first activity was fishing for bugs, I found a lot of them hiding in the water, the majority I caught was the Backswimer, they have six legs, like all bugs, and a huge tongue.

The second activity we did was look for birds, turns out, I don’t know much about New Zealand birds, so it was nice to learn. In the third activity, we showed all we learned with the food chains! It was a interesting experience all around and I wish to go again!


What would you do at The Wetlands?

River Guardian// Reading Create

Today we made a character  that protects oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc… I like designing characters so I found this an easy and enjoyable task to complete!

My character’s name is Awa Nui or her code name, the River Guardian. She guards the ocean and protects it from contamination and pollution. She comes from a long line of other river guardians and was recently made one by her mom.

Here is a drawing!

(Don’t contaminate! Pick up your trash when you’re near a water source.)

Catholicism Around The World

Hey guys, this week I learned about Catholicism Around the World. I found out that on the Day of Guadalupe, people bring things to church to get holy water and celebrate the day. The only thing I ever did on the 12 of December was complain about the huge traffic because of the Day of Guadalupe! Maybe in some years I’ll go to church and celebrate Day of Guadalupe instead of complaining. Would you go to church the Day of Guadalupe?

That is what I learned in R.E! Have a nice long weekend!

Cinnabar moth !! (Writing)

Hey guys. This week we did lots of things, but one of my favorites was doing an insect mihi.

The insect I wrote about was the Cinnabar moth.  I choose it because it looks like a ladybug but with wings. I found out they’re pretty similar to the ladybugs because its beautiful colors act like a warning for birds and other insects that they’re poisonous.

Their real name is Tyria jacobaeae, they are found in many places. (West Asia, Central Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand) but their most common place is Europe. Their body is 20-25mm, but their wings are 30mm, making them pretty big for a moth.

A fun fact about them is that when they run out of food, they become cannibals. Which is pretty creepy for a pretty moth. I’ll show you a picture.

That moth does NOT look like a cannibal ;(. Anyways, that’s what I learned this week in writing! Here is my insect mihi

RE – Pentecost

Hey guys, this week I learned about the Pentecost.

The Pentecost is the event that happened after Jesus died. When he died, he told the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit. They waited for 10 days (I would’ve given up at that point) for the Holy Spirit to arrive. They were on their 11th day until a strong wind came, and the Holy Spirit arrived. The Holy Spirit put a flame of fire over their heads, suddenly, they all spoke different languages easily. They all spread the word of Jesus Christ, and 3,000 people joined the church that day. What would you do if you suddenly knew another language?

That is all I can remember of the Pentecost, see you later

Holy Week Create!

Hi, today I am going to tell you my Holy Week Create, I did an artwork so I can’t really post it without horrible quality.

My drawing represents Palm Sunday, the day Jesus entered Jerusalem. I learned that because Jerusalem was in a war, people thought he would help and fight back, but he didn’t, because he was peaceful.

Palm Sunday will always be important because it’s the day Holy Week started. Without it we wouldn’t have Holy Week. That is why I painted the cross made by palms, to commemorate the day Jesus went to Jerusalem.

RE task// social media

Hey people!! just a little quote I found on the internet!! I thought it was great because the school year will be rough for year 8’s trying to get in high school, remember God will accompany you when it gets rough, may faith be your compass guiding you through the year ahead!! <33

Lots of love – Regina